December 11, 2012

  • Woo! I'm back! Two entries in one day? What the heck is going on? Answer: my little babe is actually napping and has been for almost two hours. This is a little more than a small victory. I've been able to shower, eat, get down with my hubby, and enjoy some tea all undisturbed. I'm at the point where I'm open to her waking up anytime now. I know that when she does she's going to be very unhappy and need boob immediately.

    So one thing I wanted to write about in my last post was that I found us some wood for the stove yesterday. I took a walk into town, got to say hi to a couple of horses on the way, and was just about to the coffee shop where I was going to enjoy a bevvy while nursing H. I glanced over to the gas station where we've been told multiple times to check out for firewood and lo and behold there was a truck full of wood. I scrapped the coffee idea and went over to check it out. Now, we've been looking for wood since the beginning of November. We've made multiple phone calls in which only ONE was returned and even posted a wanted ad on the Salt Spring Exchange website (a craigslist for exclusively for Salt Spring). Nothing. I had resigned to the idea that we wouldn't get to use the wood stove this winter that it was going to be electric heat from here on out. I was bummed about it. I'd look at the cold, dark stove in the corner longingly and imagine a fire burning. I even looked up through the skylight and pined for smoking coming out of the chimney.

    Anyway, I decided it would be a better conversation with N if I had the information first. I talked to the guy and found out the truck was over a cord and they were asking $400 for it. It was Arbutus, which is a premium grade wood as it burns slower than other types. It's also a bitch to cut because the grain isn't straight, but I suppose with a chainsaw you can cut anything. There was a Jeep with less an a cord that they were asking $100 for as well, but when I talked to N he decided we should just take the truck's worth of wood. He knew it was kind of too much, but we were at the point where we didn't really care. Wood was wood and we had found some!

    So now we have at least a cord of premium, seasoned, and dry firewood. I am in wood stove heaven AND I can crack the windows and let in some fresh air now too. N didn't want me leaving windows open with the electric heat because he saw it as wasting money when we could just turn the heat off or down. This is true, but I like to get some air flow going and be warm. Fortunately, burning a fire lets me have the best of both worlds.

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